03 June 2021

The Czech Transplantation Society Paper of the Year Prize for 2020 announced

The Czech Transplantation Society announced the winner of the Best scientific publication of the year 2020. The prize was awarded to RNDr. Vladimira Moulisova, PhD who is the first author of the original research paper “Novel morphological multi-scale evaluation system for quality assessment of decellularized liver scaffolds”. This work was published as an open access paper in Journal of Tissue Engineering (IF 5.352) in May 2020. Dr. Moulisova and co-authors (Jiřík M., Schindler C., Červenková L., Pálek R., Rosendorf J., Arlt J., Bolek L., Šůsová S., Nietzsche S., Liška V., Dahmen U) deal here with the highly potential native biomaterial suitable for liver tissue engineering that could facilitate production of transplantable liver tissue grafts in the future. The whole team is very pleased by receiving this prize which was officially awarded to dr. Moulisova by prof. MUDr. Vladislav Třeška, DrSc., the head of the Society , and prof. MUDr. Tomáš Reischig, Ph. D., the research manager of the Society last Friday.