10 March 2020

Ph.D. Positions in Cancer Research

Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University, is seeking students for the following Ph.D. study topics in the doctoral study programme of Experimental Surgery:

  • Study of genes important for origin and progression of malignant tumors with usage of bioinformatic analyisis
    (Tutor: Assoc. prof. Pavel Soucek, Ph.D.)
  • Importance of transcriptome in prognosis and treatment response in patients with solid tumors and in experimental models
    (Tutor: Radka Vaclavikova, Ph.D.)
  • Epigenetic regulation in colorectal carcinogenesis
    (Tutor: Pavel Vodicka, Ph.D.)
  • Mapping of genomic instability in colorectal carcinogenesis
    (Tutor: Pavel Vodicka, Ph.D.)
  • Tumor heterogeneity in colorectal carcinogenesis
    (Tutor: Veronika Vymetalkova, Ph.D.)
  • Immune markers in progression of colorectal cancer
    (Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.)
  • Genetic changes and gene expression in polyps progressing into colorectal cancer
    (Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.)
  • Telomere dysfunction in progression to colorectal cancer
    (Tutor: Prof. Kari Hemminki, Ph.D.)

Application deadline: April 30, 2020

Online applications and information: https://is.cuni.cz/studium/eng/prijimacky/

Contact: Daniela Vyzrálová | daniela.vyzralova@lfp.cuni.cz | Tel: +420 377 593 466, +420 773 768 811 | Department of Science and Research | Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen